03/07/23 01:00 PM Filed in:
Hey everyone! In today’s post, I will be walking you through what a day in my life looks like! Of course, my schedule will vary based on the day, but here is a typical Monday, and I will explain some of the things I will prepare for the upcoming week!
When I wake up (around 7), the first thing I do is water my plants and give them a light mist. Then, after I get my coffee and light my candle, I'll sit down at my desk and start on some work. ‘Work’ means schoolwork first (I do online school), then I work through any music/dance work. Music work can range from writing a new blog post, figuring out a song artwork cover, writing up new concepts, listening to mixes, or figuring out scheduling. Dance work can mean scheduling, going over rehearsal schedules for the week, going over choreography for competitions or shows, choreographing combos, or sometimes choreographing pieces. As I come off of being creative with dance, I'll take a minute to let everything sit as I clean my room, wash my face, and make my bed. Once my favorite space to write is clean and clear (my room), I'll sit down on my bed and start working on the creative side of music. I’ll begin my creative process (which has its own blog post, if you want to
check that out) and work through any other final touches to my music. Then I eat lunch and if i’m lucky watch an episode of RuPaul’s Drag Race with my little sister while we eat. After lunch, I’ll do activities based on the day such as cleaning my car, deep cleaning my room, laundry, reading, journaling, any extra work, or helping around the house before I get ready for dance. I dance Mon-Wed, then Fri-Sun. Mon-Wed are company classes, typically from about 6-9pm, then every other Friday I assist/sometimes teach combos and phrases for PrePro Apprentice (a program at CC&CO Dance Complex). On Fridays I also go to the music studio, from about 11am-1pm, where my producer (Kevin McNoldy) and I track vocals, work on mixes, and work on anything we need to while together. Saturday and Sunday are blocked off for almost full day dance rehearsals, with PrePro (a program at CC&CO Dance Complex) every Saturday from 11am-3pm(ish). After coming home from dance, I'll take a shower, wash my face, eat some dinner, and head to bed.
And that’s a day in my life, with a little bit of what my week looks like!... I hope it made sense! Being a graduating senior, my schoolwork load is much lighter this year which allows for more time to be creative and work on what I love to do. I’m so excited for next year when all I do is be creative! I’ll be sure to write an updated day in my life so you can see what my gap year looks like!
Thank you for reading!
Tags: general