Pop singer-songwriter, musician, visual artist Kira Takei
  • © 2024 Cphonic Records 0

Kira Takei

Journal Entry music single launched!

Kira Takei Journal Entry cover art

Kira's new single, Journal Entry, is out now! You can hear it on all major streaming platforms such as Spotify and Apple Music, and there is a Hyperfollow page that links to all. You can also download the full-resolution version of the song for free by signing up for Kira's newsletter.

Journal Entry
I wrote you a letter
Dropped it in the ocean that night
Since then everything matters
And I try my best to stay kind

My dog's in the passenger seat
We're heading home with one song on repeat
The one that reminds me of my family
The one that makes me cry

And soon I'll be in my room
Getting ready to dance until 2
Flashing lights sending a prayer
That I'll still feel you in the air

My little sister can drive
And I'm saving to move out
One foot forward the other one back
Saying goodbye to the hum of this house

I'm sitting in my room
Thinking about the year I've been through
I hold you tight and I'll hold you close
Until I feel you in the air

I'll sleep in my room
Wrapped in silence and soon
I'll feel your love and I'll feel your prayers
The day you feel me in the air

Song Credits
Written by Kira Takei
Produced, engineered, mixed, and mastered by Kevin McNoldy
All vocals performed by Kira Takei

©2024 Kira Takei / Cphonic Records. All rights reserved.

Happy New Year 2024!

Kira Takei Happy New Year 2024!

Happy 2024!! I absolutely ADORE celebrating the New Year! I think this time of year invites us to reflect on growth, and set intentions for the future! 

Let’s do a quick music recap of 2023…

• Release of ‘Tonight’
• Release of ‘The Heart of Us’
• Release of ‘Film of Us’
• Release of ‘Our Sunset’ 
• Performed in the CC&CO Prepro show ‘Feel It All’
• Performed in the CC&CO Winter Show ‘Snow Day’
• Performed at a neighborhood concert ‘Live at the Lake’ 

And, began many projects that will launch in 2024! It’s going to be a year full of everything! Make sure you stay tuned for all to come! :)

I would also like to say thank you for your never ending support throughout this year. Your love is felt more than you know, and keeps me inspired to create! I am so excited for all I have to give to you this year! 

Here were my stats from my Spotify Wrapped!
• 1K Streams
• 246 Listeners
• 18 Countries 

Thank you for making all of that possible! It’s only up from here!! 

I hope you had a wonderful holiday season, and once again, happy new year!!

The process behind Our Sunset

"Our Sunset"

There were no words for such a long time - no lyrics, no journaling. How could a pen and paper keep up with all the thoughts and feelings in my head? When I tried to write, I felt tears about to fall and I felt sick to my stomach. No words could ever explain all that comes with grief and trauma. But as time passed, words felt more and more accessible to describe what happened, and help me understand how I feel. It was so important for me to write this song, for so many reasons. It has helped me process and feel connected. I knew if I didn’t write this song, it would try to write itself in every other song, dance, or piece of art I create - it wanted to come out of me. And although it was hard, I stood patient with myself in trying to find the right words, and eventually I completed it.

Yes, a lot of performative art is for the audience - what looks best, what would read best, how the audience would follow a storyline, how can we make the audience relate, etc., but this song is truly for a select group of people. It is for myself, peers, and for our two dancing angels. Of course, if you can relate to it or find joy from it I am so thankful, but there is a major difference in intention. That’s something I had to keep in mind while writing and creating this song; not to be attentive to how the audience will feel it, but more so to how I feel it, and what feels right to me. Creating a song fully for your own healing and processing almost feels like a gift of self love. I cannot stress enough how much I needed to create this song.

Our two angels dance in the sky every evening to remind us that life is a beautiful, colorful, vibrant gift. The sunset will never just be a pretty view - it is our girls reminding us we’re not alone, and to shine like them, and grow with them.

I hope you all know how loved you are, and understand your importance to this world. Thank you for standing strong, and being brave enough to live through each day. It is truly a gift - never take it for granted.

Our Sunset music single launch!

Kira Takei Our Sunset cover art

Kira's new single, Our Sunset, is out now! You can hear it on all major streaming platforms such as Spotify and Apple Music, and there is a Hyperfollow page that links to all. You can also download the full-resolution version of the song for free by signing up for Kira's newsletter.

Our Sunset
Memories are pressed like flowers
And the ripples are as bad as the wave
With unsaid promises everyone has made

We’re here in this room again
As the lights dim and fade
This is where we love
And this is where we’ll stay

You dance in the sky
In oranges, blues, pinks, and purples
It shines, like you
It grows, with you

Your love breathes in all of us
It’s in the breeze
Words fail time again
Light or apologies

Scenes replay again
By the smallest of things
This Is how we love
And this is how we’ll stay

You dance in the sky
In oranges, blues, pinks, and purples
It shines, like you
It grows, with you

Song Credits
Written by Kira Takei
Produced, engineered, mixed, and mastered by Kevin McNoldy
All vocals performed by Kira Takei

©2023 Kira Takei / Cphonic Records. All rights reserved.

The process behind Film of Us

Hey everyone! In the chaos of rehearsals, performances, packing, and many other life tasks, “Film of Us” officially released! I am so thankful for the timing of this song’s release, as I feel it serves as a good kickoff to summer, and brings good vibes! The process behind this one was full of trial and error, which is surprising given it’s such a fun, sweet song. Here is the behind-the-scenes of the creation of my latest song!

I tried to look through my text messages to see when it REALLY all began but couldn’t quite figure it out… so here is an estimated timeline! Kevin originally created this mix with some vocals of the melody singing gibberish to hopefully develop some lyrics. In a studio session, I had talked about wanting to create an ‘Angel Baby’ by Troye Sivan type of song, and he played me his mix! I thought the energy and colors were what I was going for, so he sent it to me, and I started developing a story, and lyrics. I believe he had sent me the original mix around this time last year. After months of tweaking, writing, (and even co-writing… more on that later), and editing, we finally got into the studio to put down some vocals and finish the mix. The recording process went by relatively quickly, with a clear end goal in mind. This song has been on my radar for so long, and it feels so good to have it finished and out into the world! I hope it can bring some light and joy to your summer!

One big part of the creation process of “Film of Us” was the day Kevin and I co-wrote lyrics.

Long story short, I ended up crying.

When it comes to anything, I LOVE to have a schedule, working through things, trial and error, tweaking, etc. - and I love doing them on my own. I work so well by myself, and when it comes to creative endeavors I would 100 out of 10 times want to do it on my own. It’s not that I don’t trust or dislike other’s processes/work, I just know what I like, and I know how to get there. Given the Synesthesia aspect of my creative process, it gets hard to co-write a song that I want to be blue that has tints of suggested oranges or reds, and that gets confusing and difficult to communicate. I began to feel really overwhelmed by releasing control of making everything feel right, and tried to be open to what Kevin’s ‘right’ is. I think in the end, there’s maybe 2 or 3 lines we co-wrote in the final song, which doesn’t seem like a lot, but the experience behind it certainly was. Co-creating music is something I want to continue to grow in, because I know it has a lot to offer me… that day was just confusing and frustrating. But, it was a very important lesson I learned in the creation of this song!

I hope you all are having a great summer, and you enjoy “Film of Us”! Thank you for reading this blog post, and for your never-ending love and support. :)